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Part NumberDescriptionSAP Part DescriptionMRP
D5977ZM/AFinal Cut Pro Volume Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatFC PRO VL 20+ LICENSES-ZML29,900.00
D5978ZM/AMotion 5 Volume Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatMOTION 5 VL 20+ LICENSES-ZML4,999.00
D5979ZM/ACompressor 4 Volume Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatCOMPRESSOR 4 VL 20+ LICENSES-ZML4,999.00
D6008Z/AKeynote Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatKEYNOTE MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT1,686.00
D6011Z/ANumbers Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatNUMBERS MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT1,686.00
D6013Z/APages Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatPAGES MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT1,686.00
D6015Z/AiPhoto Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatIPHOTO MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT1,236.00
D6017Z/AiMovie Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatIMOVIE MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT1,236.00
D6019Z/AGarageBand Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatGARAGEBAND MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT1,236.00
D6020ZM/AApple Remote Desktop 3 Volume Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatARD VL 20+ LICENSES-ZML7,900.00
D6021Z/AApple Remote Desktop Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatARD MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT8,200.00
D6064Z/AFinal Cut Pro X Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatFC PRO MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT39,900.00
D6065Z/ACompressor Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatCOMPRESSOR 4 MAINT 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT5,400.00
D6066Z/AMotion Maintenance Licenses: 20+ seats, price per seatMOTION 5 MAINTENANCE 20+ LIC 36 MO-INT5,400.00
D6109ZM/AFinal Cut Pro – Single Unit LicenseFINAL CUT PRO SINGLE UNIT-ZML29,900.00
D6110ZM/AMotion – Single Unit LicenseMOTION SINGLE UNIT-ZML4,999.00
D6111ZM/ACompressor – Single Unit LicenseCOMPRESSOR SINGLE UNIT-ZML4,999.00
D6622ZM/ALogic Pro Volume Licenses: 20+ Seats (Business and Education Customers / Education Only for Resellers – price per seat)LOGIC PRO LIC 20+-ZML19,900.00
D6623Z/ALogic Pro Maintenance Lic 36 mo 20+ (price per seat)LOGIC PRO MAINTENANCE LIC 36 MO 20+-INT24,900.00
D6624ZM/AMainStage Volume Licenses: 20+ Seats (Business and Education Customers / Education Only for Resellers – price per seat)MAINSTAGE 3 LIC 20+-ZML2,999.00
D6625Z/AMainStage Maintenance Lic 36 mo 20+ (price per seat)MAINSTAGE MAINTENANCE LIC 36 MO 20+-INT3,999.00
D6626ZM/ALogic Pro X (Business and Education Customers / Education Only for Resellers)LOGIC PRO SINGLE UNIT-ZML19,900.00
D6627ZM/AMainStage (Business and Education Customers / Education Only for Resellers)MAINSTAGE 3 SINGLE UNIT-ZML2,999.00


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